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UNIDO ITPO Tokyo facilitated an online delegate program with the following official from Ethiopian Investment Commission (EIC),joined by the  Mr. Tadesse Dadi Segni, our advisor in Ethiopia for 4 – 19 October 2021, for promotion of the latest investment climate and business opportunities in Ethiopia to encourage Japanese business communities to further invest in the country. 

Director, Investment Promotion Directorate Mr. Aschalew Tadesse




Mr. Aschalew has extensive experience in promoting Ethiopia’s investment policies and opportunities to foreign and domestic investors. He is currently a director of Investment  Promotion Directorate at EIC.

Promotional Activities

During this program, they had individual online meetings with Japanese companies to provide hand-holding support that meets company-specific needs.

Related Materials

ETHIOPIA  A New Horizon of Hope [PDF]


Contact for Inquiries

UNIDO ITPO Tokyo (PIC: Imazu (Ms.))
*Please use email as a primary contact method due to increased work-from-home frequency

  • Mr. Aschalew, EIC

  • Mr. Tadesse, UNIDO Africa advisor in Ethiopia