UNIDO-Japan Cooperation and the Humanitarian-Development Nexus

UNIDO HQ brochure on the outline of activities related to UNIDO-Japan Cooperation targeting vulnerable people and communities.
Japan has been an important and trustful partner of UNIDO through financial contributions and political support, which has allowed UNIDO to make timely responses to emergent difficulties and lack of human security faced by vulnerable people and communities, thus strengthening the humanitarian-development nexus and promoting inclusive and sustainable industrial development.
Japan was one of the pioneers endorsing the human security concept in the mid-1990s when it was first designed. Human security continues to play a central role in Japan’s foreign and development cooperation policy and is declared a guiding principle in Japan’s Development Cooperation Charter 2015.
In view of UNIDO’s mandate to promote inclusive and sustainable industrial development, the human security and human rights-based approach to the industrialization has a special place in UNIDO’s programmatic activities. UNIDO initiatives promoting post-crisis productive rehabilitation, reconstruction, and sustainable livelihoods empower communities in countries and regions recovering from crises.
This booklet demonstrates the achievements and impact of the UNIDO-Japan cooperation by presenting some of the most recently completed projects funded by Japan for vulnerable people and communities.
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