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Event Report: Partnering with DFIs for Africa's Development 6 - Botswana Development Cooperation (BDC)

Event Report: Partnering with DFIs for Africa's Development 6 - Botswana Development Cooperation (BDC)

UNIDO ITPO Tokyo supported the online seminar “Partnering with DFIs for Africa’s Development – Session 6: Botswana Development Cooperation (BDC)” organized by the Association of African Economy and Development Japan (AFRECO) on 29 July 2021.

Botswana Development Corporation (BDC), established in 1970, is a 100% government-owned development finance institution that provides loans in a wide range of sectors including manufacturing, commerce and agriculture.

Ms Boitshwarelo Lebang-Kgetse, Head of Corporate Affairs and Strategy, presented how BDC supports local and international companies to help them develop sustainable and profitable businesses. Touching on the impact of the COVID-19 and the country’s Vision 2036, she said that Botswana will engage the global economy by accelerating its export-oriented manufacturing sector and strengthening its support for long-term development through partnerships with foreign companies and institutions, and private investment.

Mr Oteng Keabetswe, Investment Principal, stated BDC will invest 1.5 billion Botswana pula (about 15 billion yen) over the next one year, focusing on areas that will accelerate Botswana’s economic development, such as food security and energy. Although BDC has already been providing 300 million Botswana Pula (about 3 billion yen) to local companies to support their businesses during the COVID-19 crisis, Mr. Kaebetswe also emphasized that Botswana needs to work with neighboring countries to solve the problem of stabilizing African and domestic supply chains, which was highlighted by the COVID-19 crisis.

During the Q&A session, Ms Lebang-Kgetse and Mr Oteng introduced BDC’s support to Japanese companies, emphasizing that BDC can provide 1) tailor-made support according to the company’s business model, investment area, and technology, 2) support for feasibility studies at the project preparation stage, and 3) support for selecting the most suitable local partner by utilizing BDC’s extensive network of local governments, institutions, and companies.



Date/Time: 29 July 2021 at 15:30 – 17:00  *On a live stream
Organizer: The Association of African Economy and Development Japan (AFRECO)
Co-organizer: Botswana Development Corporation (BDC)
Supporters: UNIDO ITPO Tokyo, JETRO, JICA, NEXI, and JBIC
Language: English


Time Agenda
 15:30 – 15:35 A brief introduction of BDC by AFRECO
 15:35 – 15:45 General and Brief Explanation about BDC
 15:45 – 16:00 Brief presentation of previous projects/programs that BDC financed
 16:00 – 16:05 Policies and institutions for COVID-19 of the Republic of Botswana
 16:05 – 16:20 Projects/Programmes BDC is planning to implement during the COVID-19 crises and what partnerships should be promoted together with Japan
 16:20 – 16:35 Projects/Programmes BDC is planning to implement after the COVID-19 crises and what partnerships should be promoted together with Japan
 16:35 – 17:00 Questions and Answers session

Contact for inquiries

The Association of African Economy and Development Japan (AFRECO)
Tel: 03-3511-8911

  • "About BDC"

  • "About BDC (2)"

  • "Sectors"