VIENNA, 2 July 2021 – UNIDO and the Permanent Mission of Japan to the International Organizations in Vienna co-organized the online event titled ‘Investment and Technology Transfer under COVID-19’. In this event, results achieved in partner countries under and in response to the pandemic through UNIDO were highlighted with case studies and success stories from Japan.
In his opening remarks, UNIDO Deputy to the Director General, Hiroshi Kuniyoshi referred to UNIDO ITPO Tokyo’s Sustainable Technology Promotion Platform (STePP) project, funded by the Government of Japan in 2020 to fight the COVID-19 pandemic, stating that “UNIDO is very proud to be a partner with Japan on this endeavour”.
Following the opening remarks, Aya Yoshida, Director of the Global Issues Cooperation Division, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA), Japan, mentioned “Strong industries supported by investment and adequate technology transfer play a key role in protecting people’s health and livelihoods, and in supporting societies to build back better from the crisis. Japan holds its partnership with UNIDO in very high regard, and looks forward to continue working with UNIDO towards building back better from COVID-19 and accelerating our effort to achieve the SDGs based on the principle of human security.”
Mineko Ohta, Director of the Technical Cooperation Division, Trade and Economic Cooperation Bureau, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), Japan, also said, “The COVID-19 pandemic, which has caused an unprecedented crisis in the world, has highlighted the importance of inclusive and sustainable industrial development (ISID). This is exactly the growing importance of the role that UNIDO and relevant institutions play in leading industrial development in developing countries. We would like to continue to deepen our collaboration with UNIDO and contribute to ISID.”
Two panel discussions on investment promotion and technology transfer presented case studies and success stories of strong cooperation between UNIDO and Japan. There were eight speakers on the panels, including representatives of private companies and embassies in Japan, and an African advisor from UNIDO ITPO Tokyo.
Reflecting on the two panel discussions, GONG Weixi, Chief of UNIDO’s Investment and Technology Promotion Division and Coordinator of the Investment and Technology Promotion Network, provided the following key takeaways:
- Even during the challenging times of the COVID-19 pandemic, UNIDO manages to enhance investment from Japan to developing and emerging countries using different tools;
- The COVID-19 response project to assist technology transfer from Japan to developing and emerging countries is making great progress to mitigate medical workers’ risk of infection;
- Cooperation with the private sector has great potential for enhancing investment and technology transfer to contribute to inclusive and sustainable industrial development.
At the closing ceremony of the UNIDO-Japan cooperation week, UNIDO Deputy to the Director General, Hiroshi Kuniyoshi, said, “Allow me to thank the Government of Japan once again for the strong support to UNIDO and its mandate of inclusive and sustainable industrial development. I am confident that our cooperation will continue and increase in importance. UNIDO will further build on this cooperation to help countries overcome global challenges and build our future together better and brighter”.
Takeshi Hikihara, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Japan to the International Organizations based in Vienna, also stated that “We need the power of collective wisdom to promote ISID and achieve tangible results in this time of unprecedented global crisis. We can increase our power by sharing expertise and experiences through close dialogue among various stakeholders of development cooperation. I am convinced that UNIDO also has an important role to play here, with its partnering and convening power”.
For more information, please contact:
![]() Hiroshi Kuniyoshi, UNIDO Deputy to the Director General |
![]() Takeshi Hikihara, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Japan to the International Organizations |
Date/Time: July 2nd, 2021 (Friday) 17:00-18:45 (JST)/10:00-11:45(CEST)
Venue: Zoom
Organizer: United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO)
Language: Japanese-English-French (simultaneous interpretation)
MC: Mr. Ferda Gelegen, UNIDO ITPO Tokyo
*To view the presentation slides, click the organization name in the programme below.
17:00 Opening Remarks
Mr. Hiroshi Kuniyoshi, Deputy to the Director General, UNIDO
17:05 Welcome Remarks
– Ms. Aya Yoshida, Director, Global Issues Cooperation Division, MOFA
– Ms. Mineko Ohta, Director, Technical Cooperation Division, METI
17:15 Presentation
Mr. Yuko Yasunaga, Head, UNIDO ITPO Tokyo
17:25 Panel I: Investment Promotion (including Q&A)
Moderator: Ms. Ikue Toshinaga, UNIDO ITPO Tokyo
– Mr. Juan Camilo Gómez, Commercial Counsellor, Head of Commercial Section, Embassy of Colombia, Japan
– Mr. Kentaro Abe, Founder and CEO, Kaori International Japan Co., Ltd.
– Mr. Khurshid Haydarov, Counselor on Trade and Economic Affairs, the Embassy of Uzbekistan in Japan
– Ms. Aissatou Ndiaye, Africa Advisor (Senegal), UNIDO ITPO Tokyo
17:55 Panel II: Technology Transfer (including Q&A)
Moderator: Ms. Yukiko Fukuyama, UNIDO ITPO Tokyo
– Mr. Kyoji Sugiura, Director of the Overseas Division, Chuwa Industrial Co., Ltd.
– H.E. Mr. Gorgui Ciss, Ambassador of Senegal in Japan
– Ms. Mio Kawamura, TSP-Taiyo Co., Ltd.
– Mr. George Makateto, Director of Engineering, Ministry of Industry, Trade and Enterprise Development, Kenya
18:25 Wrap-up of Session
Mr. Weixi Gong, Chief, Investment and Technology Promotion Division, UNIDO
18:30 Closing Ceremony of UNIDO-Japan Cooperation Week
18:45 – Mr. Hiroshi Kuniyoshi, Deputy to the Director General, UNIDO
– H.E. Mr. Takeshi Hikihara, Ambassador, Permanent Representative of Japan to the International Organizations in Vienna
Note: TSP Taiyo Inc. is not a STePP company as of March 2024.