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UNIDO Tokyo hosted Ms. Muna GAMMOH, Country/Sector Promoter, Investment Promotion Depertment, Jordan Investment Board (JIB), from 9 to 20 November 2009.

Ms. Gammoh has been engaged in promoting and generating investments from Japan and India, mainly in water, energy and transportation since she joined JIB in March 2009. While in Japan, Ms. Gammoh introduced the investment climate of the country and promote sectors such as agriculture, textiles,chemicals, energy and utilities, ICT, pharmaceutical, construction, tourism, through individual meetings with the private sector and other relevant organizations. Please contact the persons in charge if you are interested in doing business in Jordan and/or wish to set-up a meeting with Ms. Gammoh.

This programme was organized in conjunction with the visit to Japan by high-level delegation and business representatives from Jordan to participate in the Jordan, Iraq and Palestine Exhibition (JETRO), 17-20 November and the Jordan-Japan Business Froum on 18 November.

Person in charge: Mr. Gelegen, Ms. Takahashi