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Event Report: Creative Industries Expert from Cebu City visited Japan (12 - 21 November)

Event Report: Creative Industries Expert from Cebu City visited Japan (12 - 21 November)

UNIDO ITPO Tokyo invited Mr. Caesar ATIENZA, Senior Economic Adviser to the Mayor of Cebu City on the Creative Industries and Economic Matters from 12th to 21st November 2024, in order to participate in UNIDO ITPO Tokyo’s delegate programme for investment promotion on Creative industries.

Mr. Atienza’s Profile

Mr. Atienza is currently the Senior Economic Adviser to the Vice Mayor of Cebu City, The Philippines on the Creative Industries. He has worked as a consultant to governments and international development organisations since 2005. He has extensive experience on local economic development and investment promotion. In his current position, he is actively supporting Cebu City on establishing a creative industries district which would promote industries such as film, animation, video game development and original content creation.

Mr. Atienza’s Activities during the Delegate Programme  

During his stay in Japan, Mr. Atienza visited the Japan-ASEAN Centre, where possibilities of cooperation were discussed.

In addition, he visited Amusement Expo and Content Tokyo, two creative industries exhibitions as a visitor in order to get acquainted with the latest trends in creative industries in Japan. He also had the opportunity to meet with representatives of major companies in this field, and discuss possibilities for business.

11 individual meetings were also held with Japanese companies interested in business and investment in Cebu City, as well as companies already doing business in Cebu City, providing necessary information according to each company’s situation.

Last but not least, he participated in a networking event organised by Game Development  Association of the Philippines (GDAP) where he met with game developers and designers from both the Philippines and Japan, as well as other relevant industry representatives.

 Related Documents 

Event Report: Cebu Business Seminar “Opportunities in the Creative Industries” | United Nations Industrial Development Organization

Contact Information 

UNIDO ITPO Tokyo (Attn: Mr. Gelegen, Ms. Azuma)  

  • At Amusement Expo with SEGA

  • At Content Tokyo

  • With the Japan ASEAN Centre

  • with the Philippine Embassy