STePP Demo Result in Nigeria
Blood gas analyzer (TECHNO MEDICA CO., LTD.)
When it came to COVID-19, Nigeria—like almost every other country in the world—felt its severe effects, which placed a heavy weight on medical facilities and their workers. Lagos, Abuja, and FCT are the most impacted cities in Nigeria, accounting for nearly 45% of the total confirmed cases in the country. The constant monitoring of patients’ conditions is crucial in dealing with infectious diseases such as COVID-19; however, that is difficult in countries where the health care system is fragile. Hence, there was an urgent need for an adequate physical condition management technology that was equipped with medical workers, including laboratory technicians.
Overview of the Project
To test their utility, UNIDO installed blood gas analyzers in three hospitals in Nigeria. These analyzers can detect various blood parameters, including pH, K, Ca, and N, which also enables the examination of patients infected by diseases other than COVID-19. The pilot demonstrations took place at three hospitals in Lagos and Abuja that accept COVID-19 patients. The project also targeted female medical workers to acquire skills to achieve higher skills needed to treat patients.
Project Profile
City, Country • Abuja, Lagos and Kano, NIGERIA
Counterparts • Association Medical Laboratory Scientists in Nigeria (AMLSN)
• Nigerian Medical Association (NMA)
• Guild of Medical Laboratory Directors of Nigeria (GMLD)
• National Hospital, Abuja
• Federal Medical Center Ebute Metta, Lagos
• Aminu Kano Teachers Hospital, Kano
Key Outcomes • 3 blood gas analyzers were installed at 3 hospitals
• 746 patients tested (as of Dec 2021)
• 7 days of training on the operation of the analyzers conducted
• 20 engineers trained
• 52 medical staff trained
• 46% of the beneficiaries were female
Company Profile
Address 5-5-1 Nakamachidai, Tsuzuki-ku, Yokohama-Shi, Kanagawa, 224-0041, Japan
Capital 1,069 million JPY
Contact Person Mr. Eiichi GOTO
Telephone: +81-45-948-1967
The type of business In Vitro Diagnostics Analyzer, Research & Development, Manufacture, Sales, Import & Export
“I really think this UNIDO project can support the citizens, hospitals, and government of Nigeria, and establish a tighter relationship between Nigeria and Japan, even during the COVID-19 pandemic.”
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